Complex sentences are typically formed when a sentence has one independent clause and at least a single subordinate clause. As such, these various clauses in a complex sentence aren’t structurally equal, simply because one expresses the related thoughts, while the other forms the foundation of the sentence. For example:
Complex Sentence: My mom cried when she saw me.
Independent Clause: My mom cried.
Subordinate Clause: When she saw me
Subordinating Conjunction: When
Constructing Complex Sentences
Complex sentences are formed when a writer uses sophisticated devices to join the clauses in a sentence; this means joining a subordinate (dependent) clause with the main (or independent) clause.
There are three primary ways of joining clauses to construct complex sentences. They include using;
- Relative pronouns – which, who, whose, that, etc.
- Subordinating conjunctions – because, although, while, when, as, through, by, since, until, unless, before, whenever, if, where, etc.
- Non-finite verb structures – these are verb forms that end in –ed or –ing or an infinitive verb form like to become, to go, and to see.

Unfortunately, all these items in a sentence and how they connect can sometimes introduce comprehension complications in your writing. This is especially true in technical writing, where unfamiliar vocabulary, technical jargon, and lexically dense sentences are a staple.
Luckily for you, you can always use our free complex sentence fix generator to not only point out grammar mistakes but also transform generic, boring sentences into more complex sentences with a better vocabulary selection.
Complex Sentence Generator is an online content rewriter that can be used to paraphrase, rewrite, rephrase, and reword phrases, sentences, and paragraphs, all without distorting their meaning. Our complex sentence checker contains an abundance of both rare and widely used phrases, and it will come in handy in delivering your texts in a variety of stylistic and contextual settings. Along with that, our online tool can be used as a text spinner and vocabulary improvement tool, all thanks to Artificial Intelligence technology and built-in thesaurus.
How Our Complex English Sentence Generator Works
One of the key aspects of our compound sentence checker that users love and appreciate is how easy it is to use. You don’t need special computer or technical skills, plus the entire process takes a few seconds:
- Visit Our Website
- Copy and paste your text on the blank editor field. You can also choose to type directly.
- Initiate the text analysis by clicking on the “Convert” button.
- After a few seconds, you’ll receive your report highlighting all the errors that need to be rectified. It will also include the most appropriate suggestions.
- Implement the adjustments and corrections as recommended by the simple complex sentence generator.
Benefits of Using Our Sentence Type Identifier
Our sentence type identifier is a premium editing and proofreading software that checks a submitted document or text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes and offers suggestions on how to correct them afterward. Apart from helping you write with proper grammar, this automated application also helps you improve your grammar, as it gives the contextual explanation behind every mistake.
Saves Time and Money
One of the biggest benefits of using our complex sentence maker is that it saves you time and money. Unlike manual editing, the tool automatically scans your texts for sneaky grammar mistakes and highlights them, eliminating the need to manually comb through every sentence to identify them. Better yet, it provides real-time suggestions on how to fix them, freeing you the time that would have otherwise gone into establishing the underlying mistake.
Another major benefit of our online complex English generator is its versatility and flexibility. On top of identifying the sentence types in your writing, it can flag grammar errors, punctuation issues, and spelling errors, perform style corrections, diagnose sentence structure issues, eliminate overused or repeated words, and streamline your sentences to ensure readability.
Along with a professional-level grammar checker, the tool is integrated with a comprehensive grammar checker, letting you write unique content.
Improve Your Grammar
Not only does the sentence identifier tool do a fantastic job flagging errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation but its analytics come in handy in helping you improve your writing. The app gives comprehensive feedback on the flagged errors, so you can learn from the mistakes that you’ve made. It also comes with a thesaurus dictionary, which helps you pick the best alternative words for your texts and enrich your grammar.
Multi-Device Compatibility
Our compound complex sentence generator is aimed at all genres of writing including academic, articles, blogs, marketing, and fiction stories. If you spend a lot of time online, our editing software is available via web browsers, as well as a Chrome Extension. As such, it will scan your emails and social media posts for grammar errors and provide suggestions on how to fix them.
Free To Use
Unlike other editing tools on the market, our compound complex sentence generator doesn’t require a monthly or annual subscription. Instead, it comes with a free-to-use version making it a good choice for budget-conscious people like students.
Write 100% Unique Content
Another splendid feature that you will love about our sentence identifier tool is the comprehensive plagiarism checker. Plagiarism entails presenting someone else’s ideas as yours or copying the same without crediting the original owner. Luckily, our tool runs your typed documents through billions of academic bases and published online articles to determine whether or not there is any duplicity.
24/7 Availability
Our compound complex sentence generator is cloud-hosted which makes it available anytime. This is particularly important for users who are always on the move and love to put in some work when traveling. All you simply need to do is to paste your typed text into the tools blank editor and wait for it to handle the rest.
Benefits of Using Our Free Complex Sentence Generator

There are several benefits of using our complex sentence identifier, including:
Saves Time
One of the primary benefits of using a complex sentence generator online like ours saves you time. This is especially true when editing long essays and manuscripts, taking days or even weeks to edit manually.
Multipurpose Complex Sentence Checker
Our complex sentence generator paraphraser is a fantastic rewording tool, but it can do much more than that. You will find it particularly valuable as a comprehensive grammar checking tool, as it also functions as a run on detector, punctuation checker, spelling checker, passive and active voice checker, dictionary checker, and plagiarism checker. Better yet, it gives you suggestions for the necessary adjustments, and it can be used for essays, academic papers, blog posts, articles, letters, memos, and any other type of writing.
100% Online
Our sentence complex generator is 100% online, which helps you save the memory of your computer, as it doesn’t require downloads. Still, it is cloud-hosted, making it available to everyone irrespective of the time and geographical location.
Our complex sentence checker online tool is well-optimized for smartphones and tablets interface, allowing you to edit even when on the move. Still, the page elements are large enough to be conveniently used, even on small screens devices.
Easy to Use
The complex sentence generator free tool comes with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it super easy to navigate when editing. What more could you ever ask for in a grammar editing tool?